I've fancied this idea for some time now and finally took the plunge. There is something cute and charming about the small size and simplicity of lists. I will try to keep mine short. But, these lists are not just lists of "Favourite movies", these lists are spunky and a bit unexpected. My first attempt at this experiment consisted of me thinking of subtitles for each list, but found that it just followed the predictable list feeling that I was trying to avoid and it "suppressed my creativity". Really, it did. :P
So, here. these are things that float in my head and heart.
- the history of various religions
- podcasts
- tea
- high-waisted skirts
- flowers
- mythology
- productive procrastination
- imagining the phenomenal processes in my body when I work out
- getting excited about new recipes
- shopping more often
- waves and circles are everywhere
- the elegance of math
- summer dance
I slept on this post before completing and publishing it. I feel like this form of expression and communication is somehow more pure than full sentences. I have always written in full sentences, and love writing! However, this list plan only works when we chose words that are honest and capture the real feeling. I really like the idea of my thought fragments being released, instead of me trying to put them into full sentences (whole parts-- does such a thing exist?), which sometimes makes it hard to keep the integrity of the idea.
The Law of Entropy says that everything in nature tends towards disorder, and there are an infinite amount of ways that things can be disordered, but only one way for something to be in perfect order.
"Change is nature." - Litte Chef, Ratatouille
Although there is so much chaos, there is a type of order to the chaos.
Maybe this style of writing can be equated with dancing and body language, or free verse poetry. Sometimes, taking something away that we depend on so much make the expression of the original thing so much stronger. I somehow feel like people are learning about me more deeply this way -- but it is also more fun for them since they can use their imaginations!
I would love to read your thoughts on this! (Fragmented or whole)