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Always There
Friday, October 24, 2014

I am a dancer. I sing with my entire body and breath for the first time on the dance floor. My heart guides my toes when to point and when to let my arms rise and fall. I leap off of the ground with ease and the floor boards do not squeak. Sometimes I dance with other dancers, and sometimes I dance solo, but I am always dancing with the floor. Every time my metatarsals push into the floor, the floor is pushing back and upwards.  If we let go of fear and allow ourselves to feel our surroundings, allow ourselves to make mistakes and simply exist in the process, miracles can and do happen. This is not only true in the world of dance, but other realms as well. I dream about dancing at a level that I have not yet reached in my awake life, but in my dreams, it is easy and fluid. Ever since I became acquainted with dance as a lifelong friend, I had a dream of dancing the way I can in my dreams, of leaping across the floor with grace, form, fluidity, strength, and passion.  The day that I was able to dance with ease, without judgement, without fear, and be in the moment, was the day that my dream started to come true, and something beautiful opened up inside of my chest that day. 

My sacred, beautiful, strong, silver and gold soul shines and sings when I dance. My soul comes alive and the pieces of me reunite. The girl who loves ice cream, cupcakes and tasting snow flakes; the women who has desire and passion, dreams, and fears, pain, and so much love in my heart it even surprises me. It has nothing to do with competition and everything to do with the beauty of the human body instrument; the grandness and potential that cannot be seen from the outside but only felt within. As the holy Qu'ran states, there is a universe inside each of us.


Hello, my name is Pamela





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